
Ramadan favoriter?

måndags godis (som räcker hela månaden typ)

Vad är eran traditionella mat i ramadan? har ni någon eller inte? i så fall, varför då?

Ni får gärna skicka en recept å bilder på eran ramadan mat så lägger vi upp dom på bloggen inshaAllah.

Jag har verkligen inte orkar lägga upp bilder och sånt, plus att jag glömmer för det mesta. Jag skyller på att jag har två små barn som distraherar mig hehe.
Idag har jag iaf gjort sambosa igen som blev jättebra! kallas även börek i till exempel Libyen!

Mina fina Börek (sambosa)

jag kavla ut degen riktigt bra så dom blev tunna och frasiga idag.


gäster + jättegott

i do apologize for crappy pictures <3>

Idag hade min man en gäst över på middag, en gäst som jag vet älskar mat.
Det är speciellt roligt att laga mat till den personen då man vet att det blir uppskattat!

Det blev så klart en libysk sharba som jag skrivit några gånger, till det gjorde jag batata m battona som även finns med i recept listan.
Våra underbara älskade grannar hade gjort fyllda paprikor som dom skicka över. plus en grym gryta/sås med haricot vert, färska tomater och paprika. Och även ris!
Jag hade även kyckling köttbullar och lite pommes, och en libysk rätt som heter kimya.

och självklart en sallad med dressing på franska örter.

Eftersom det var så många olika saker, serverade vi bara lite av varje då det blev som lite plock istället.
Resten fick gästen ta med sig hem och det blev ungefär lika mycket som en stor papperskasse hehe.

Kimya som jag skrev om lite högre upp är ungefär som en köttfärs sås i stekpanna, med spiskummin, paprika pulver, salt peppar och hackad koriander.
Köttfärsen ska stekas helt färdig, sen ha på vatten å allting så det blir som en köttfärs sås. sen på det kläcker man ägg så det täcker stekpannan. lägga en tallrik över eller om du har ett lock till din stekpanna. som man låter puttra tills äggen blir helt färdiga på ovansidan.
Det kallas kimya, jag gillar det absolut INTE, men jag gillar inte köttfärssås heller!
Det kan vara värt att prova då det är en ganska rolig sidorätt.


Matservering till de otrogna och muslimska syndare under fastan

Det är inte tillåtet att att servera mat till de otrogna under Ramadhân. Man skall inte hjälpa dem med det om de så skulle vara otrogna. Om de fastar, gills inte deras fasta. Däremot är även de ålagda Sharî´ahs förgreningar. Således är det inte tillåtet att hjälpa dem med saker och ting som motstrider Sharî´ah. I stället skall de rådas och instrueras så att de blir muslimer. De skall kallas till islam och uppmanas till det goda så att de blir muslimer så att man får lika stor belöning som de:

”Den som leder till det goda är som den som gör det.”

”Att Allâh vägleder en människa genom dig är bättre för dig än röda kameler.”

Så sade profeten (sallâ Allâhu ´alayhi wa sallam).

Om de vägrar, får de laga sin egen mat. De får ta hand om sina egna behov i detta fall så att de påverkas och eventuellt blir muslimer. Annars får man riva deras kontrakt så att Allâh låter någon bättre komma. Man skall inte ta lätt på dem om de så skulle vägra arbeta. Låt dem lämna arbetet. Allâh kommer att ersätta dem med bättre människor. Man skall aldrig hjälpa dem med detta. Man skall inte hjälpa dem att äta och dricka under Ramadhân oavsett om de är otrogna eller muslimska syndare som inte fastar. Man skall inte hjälpa dem med något som Allâh har förbjudit. Om de vill laga sin egen mat, får de göra det. De skall dock inte få någon hjälp med det.

Källa: http://binbaz.org.sa/mat/18682

elchockade djur innan halal slakt

Fråga: Det finns vissa som använder sig av elchocker innan de slaktar fåren, är det tillåtet?

Svar: Om den faller ihop av det så att man därefter lyckas slakta den så är det inga problem inshâ’Allâh.

Shaykh Muqbil al-Wâdi’î, Tuhfat ul-Mujîb sida 63-64

grisfett och rykten?

Fråga: När man vanligtvis friterar olika maträtter som pommes frites och fisk så använder man sig av växtoljor. Däremot så påstår vissa muslimer och får därigenom andra att bli tveksamma att denna olja är gjord på grisfett. Det är svårt för oss muslimer att ständigt ta reda på vad som har lagts i fritösen, hur skall vi nu göra?

Svar: Grunden gällande mat är att det är tillåtet förutom om man är säker på att det innehåller griskött eller något som kommer från grisen. Om man däremot inte vet att något sådant finns däri så är grunden att maten är tillåten. Att vissa personer sprider tvivel skall man inte bry sig om.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/286)

Får man äta apa?

Fråga: Får man äta apa?

Svar: Det är inte tillåtet att äta apa för att de har huggtänder som de jagar med och det har autentiskt berättats från Profeten (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) att han förbjöd att man skulle äta alla rovdjur som har huggtänder.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/291)

slöseri + kasta mat

Fråga: Vad anser ni om matrester och den mat som man inte är i behov utav? I våran fakultet på universitet så serveras olika sorters maträtter och studenterna äter bara lite granna och lämnar resten.

Svar: Slöseri är förbjudet, att slösa pengar är förbjudet. Det är därav obligatoriskt att bevara den mat som blir över för nästa gång eller att man ger till de behövande, om man inte kan finna behövande skall man ge det till djuren, även om det skulle ske efter det torkat, om man kan göra det.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/291)

Fråga: Är det förbjudet eller förhatligt att äta katter?

Svar: Det är förbjudet att äta katter eftersom de har huggtänder. Abû Dâwûd har berättat från Ibn Abbâs att Profeten (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) förbjöd att man äter de djur som har huggtänder och alla fåglar som har klor.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/292)

Kött insmort i alkohol (marinad)

Fråga: Vissa restauranger smörjer in köttet med vin och sedan grillar de köttet på kol. Vinet bränns då eftersom det brinner lätt som är känt. Är det då tillåtet att äta det köttet?

Svar: Det är inte tillåtet att man äter det eftersom alkohol är orent enligt de flesta av de lärda och i detta fall ha köttet smörjs in med det. Det leder även till att man tar lätt på att dricka vin och att man äter och dricker från tallrikar och glas som det funnits alkohol i utan att tvätta dem.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/295)

Är det tillåtet att äta på restauranger där det serveras alkohol?

Fråga: Är det tillåtet att äta på restauranger där det serveras alkohol?

Svar: Om du får möjlighet att äta på andra restauranger så får du inte äta där eftersom det leder till att man hjälper dem som gör synder och överträdelser som Allâh har förbjudit.

Om du däremot inte kan äta någon annanstans så får du äta där pågrund av det stora behovet.

Allâh säger: Och sträva för Allâhs sak med all den hängivelse som ni är skyldiga Honom. Han har utvalt er och Han har inte lagt på er svåra eller tunga plikter i [utövningen av er] religion, den rena, ursprungliga tro som var er fader Abrahams. Det är Han som i gången tid och i denna [Skrift] har kallat er ”dem som har underkastat sig Allâhs vilja”. Om detta skall Sändebudet vittna mot er och ni skall vittna mot människorna. Förrätta därför bönen regelbundet och erlägg allmoseskatten! Och håll fast vid Allâh, er Herre och er Beskyddare – den mäktigaste Beskyddaren och den bäste Hjälparen av alla! [al-Hajj: 78]

och: Allâh lägger inte på någon en tyngre börda än han kan bära. Det goda han har gjort skall räknas honom till förtjänst och det onda han har gjort skall läggas honom till last. Herre! Ställ oss inte till svars för glömska eller oavsiktliga fel. Herre! Lägg inte på oss en sådan börda som den Du lade på våra föregångare. Herre! Lägg inte på oss [bördor] som vi inte har kraft att bära. Utplåna våra synder och ge oss Din förlåtelse och förbarma Dig över oss. Du är vår Beskyddare! Låt oss segra över förnekarna av sanningen!” [al-Baqarah: 286].

Men han skall dock endast äta och dricka av det som Allâh har gjort tillåtet.

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/296-297)

Är det tillåtet att äta havsdjur?

Fråga: Är det tillåtet att äta havsdjur?

Svar: Grunden i de havsdjur som i vanliga fall alltid lever i havet är att de är tillåtna, för att Allâh har sagt: Det som fiske i hav [och andra vatten] kan ge och allt ätligt som kan hämtas därifrån är tillåtet för er, till nytta och glädje för er och för dem som befinner sig på resa, medan jakt till lands är förbjuden för er under pågående vallfärd. Och frukta Allâh – det är till Honom ni skall samlas åter. [al-Mâ’idah: 96]

Profeten (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) har sagt gällande havet: ”Dess vatten är renande och dess självdöda djur är tillåtna att äta.”

Al-Lajnah ud-Dâ’imah (22/313)

Är det tillåtet att äta kråka och härfågel?

Fråga: Är det tillåtet att äta kråka och härfågel? Och vad är anledningen till att det skulle vara förbjudet?

Svar: Det är inte tillåtet att äta kråkans kött eftersom den äter upp skörden. Av den anledningen beordrade Profeten (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) att man skulle döda råttan, skorpionen, ormen och den vildsinta hunden (bits och attackerar). Man får inte äta något av dessa djur och dess kött är förbjudet.

Profeten (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) har beordrat att man skall döda kråkan pga. dess ondska och skadegörelse och detta tyder på att den är förbjuden att äta.

Samma sak gäller härfågeln, han förbjöd att man skall döda den, så därav får man varken döda eller äta den. För att om man skulle få äta den så skulle man även få döda den.

Shaykh Ibn Bâz, Fatâwâ an-Nûr ’alâ ad-Darb (4/1933)

Vad är domen för den fastande som luktar på parfym?

Vad är domen för den fastande som luktar på parfym?

Fråga: Vad är domen för den fastande som luktar på parfym?

Svar: Det finns inga problem i att en fastande luktar på parfym oberoende av om det är olja eller rökelse. Men om det är rökelse ska han inte andas in röken därför att rök består av partiklar och de passerar genom magen. Därmed kommer fastan att brytas på samma sätt som om man dricker vatten. Men om man enbart luktar utan att andas in så att den når magen, då finns det ingen invändan mot det.

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymîn Fatâwah Arkân ul-Islâm nr. 421




Jag har verkligen varit helt totalt värdelös på inlägg dessa 11 dagar som gått av Ramadan, Jag e helt slut. Men jag ska inshaAllah ta mig i kragen.
Jag kan berätta lite av alla godsaker vi testat och ätit.

Sambusa (somaliska underbarheter)

Batata m battona (se recept)
Sharba libi
Bönor med får mage (hehe) en klassiker lol
skärbönor i tomatsås
vitlökssås med tomater
kalkon korv
och massa mer

jag har inte lagat allt själv utan jag och min kära granne å syster, brukar göra hälften var och sen dela allting.

Ska inshaAllah försöka skriva recept på dom flesta sakerna.
Sambusa var faktiskt väldigt enkelt att göra.
jag lärde mig här ifrån >>>se länk<<<



Bismillah Assaalam alaykom wa rahmatullah!

snart är det ramadan igen, två eller 3 dagar max inshaAllah. imorgon får vi spana efter en nymåne bidnillah!!!!!!!

I Ramadan är vi flera systrar som ska laga mat och baka ihop varje dag för att göra vår ramadan tillsammans extra speciell!
Nu Är Vi 4 st praktiserande systrar (inshaAllah) som bor grannar!
Det kommer bli spännande att se vad vi hittar på hehe.
Jag har bestämt en Asiatisk kväll. då ska jag göra räkchips och zechuan kyckling YUMMIE!
Vi ska inshaAllah försöka lägga upp recept varje dag, Och även kanske skriva lite om hur det går med fastan. så titta in varje dag InshaAllah.

Nu Kanske även ramadhan bloggen vaknar till liv igen och postar om nyttor i Ramadan.

Må Allah acceptera min fasta och er och förlåta oss för detta gågna års synder, och det året som kommer Allahumma Ameen.

Author:Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee
Source:The Tape Set Silsilah al-Hudaa wan-Noor, Tape No. 590

Question: "Could the Shaikh give us some words of benefit for the blessed month of Ramadaan, on this fine occasion"

Shaikh al-Albaanee, may Allaah have mercy upon him said, "Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, says in the Noble Quraan:

'O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become people having Taqwaa.' [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 183]

So in this aayah, as will not be hidden to all those who are present, Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, informs the Ummah of Muhammad (saws), through this aayah, that He has
made Fasting obligatory upon them just as He had made its like
obligatory upon the nations before us. This is a matter that is
well-known to all of the Muslims who read this aayah, and clearly
understand its meaning. But what I wish to speak about is something
else, a matter which very few of the general people notice - and this is
the saying of Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, at the end of this

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

So Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, when He commands His believing servants, or obligates them with some Legislation, (then He) usually just mentions the command,
without explaining the wisdom behind it. This is because the general
wisdom behind Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic¹s, placing duties upon His
servants is that He should test them by it, so that it should become
apparent (as to) those who will obey Him and those who will disobey Him,
the Exalted and Most High.

However in this aayah, He mentioned something that is not found frequently in the Noble Quraan, which is that He mentioned the reason for the order to Fast, by His

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

So the wisdom behind the Believers' fasting is not just that they should prevent themselves from enjoyable and permissible good things, even though this is an obligation
upon the fasting person - but this is not the only thing that is
required and intended by this Fasting. Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic,
concluded His command to fast by saying:

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

Meaning: that the wisdom behind the prescription of Fasting is that the Muslim should increase in obedience to Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, in the month of Fasting,
and become more obedient than he was before it.

Also the Prophet (saws) clearly stated and completely clarified this
point of divine wisdom, by his (saws) saying, as is reported in the
Saheeh of al-Bukhaaree (no. 1903), that he (saws) said, "Whoever does not abandon falsehood in speech and action, then Allaah has no need that he should leave his food and drink."
Meaning: that Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, did not intend and
desire, by the obligation of Fasting - which is to withhold for a stated
time, well known to you all - that they should only withhold from
eating and drinking. Rather they should also withhold from that which
Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, has forbidden with regard to sins and
acts of disobedience to Him; and from that is falsehood in speech and

So the Messenger (saws) is emphasizing the aayah:

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

i.e. that you should, as an act of worship to draw you closer to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, in addition to withholding from food and drink, also withhold from
forbidden actions such as backbiting, carrying tales to cause harm to
people, false witness, lying and so on, with regard to those forbidden
manners that we are all aware of.

Therefore it is obligatory that all the Muslims should be aware that actions, which disrupt the Fast, are not just the physical acts, which are generally known, which are
eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. The Fast is not just that you
withhold from this. Therefore some of the scholars differentiate, and
divide those things which disrupt the Fast into two categories, and this
is what I intend by this talk of mine at this time that is blessed, if
Allaah wills.

This is especially important since those who deliver Khutbahs and admonish the people during Ramadaan, when they speak about those things which disrupt the Fast,
then they only speak about the material things, those things that we
have just mentioned - eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. But what
they should do, as sincere advisers and people who give reminder to the
Muslims in general, is to concentrate a great deal upon the second
category of things which disrupt the Fast. This is because the people
have become used to thinking that Fasting is just to refrain from the
first category, to withhold from the material things. But there is
another category of things, which disrupt the Fast, which we are able to
call the non-material things that disrupt the Fast.

So you have just heard his (saws) saying, "Whoever does not abandon falsehood in speech and action, then Allaah has no need that he should leave his food and drink."

Therefore every fasting person should examine himself and see: is he just withholding from the material things, or is he also withholding from those non-material things?
Meaning: has he made his manners and behavior good when the blessed
month of Ramadaan comes? If that is the case, then he has fulfilled the
Saying of Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, at the end of the aayah:

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

But as for the one who restricts himself in his fasting to just withholding from food and drink, but who continues and persists upon the evil manners which he was upon
previously, before Ramadaan, then this is not the Fasting that is
desired and required from the wisdom behind the legislation of this
noble month, which our Lord, the Mighty and Majestic indicates in His

'...So that you may become people having Taqwaa.'

So therefore we advise and remind our brother Muslims that they should remember this other category of things, those that are non-material, which disrupt the Fast, and it is
something which the admonishers and those who seek to direct the people
to the correct way rarely speak about, not to mention the general
people, who are not aware of this category of things which disrupt the
fast, i.e., the non-material things.

This is what I wanted to remind our brothers who are present in this fine gathering about, if Allaah wills, so that it may be a cause for their increasing in acts of
worship, seeking to draw closer to Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, in
this blessed month, the month of Fasting, which is such that we hope
that Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, will guide and grant us all the
success of fulfilling the due right of this blessed month, which is that
we withhold from both the material and the non-material things that
disrupt the Fast.

Furthermore in addition to this, I hope that you will pay attention to some affairs, which have been neglected by a majority of the general Muslims, not to mention those
having knowledge.

There is a hadeeth that is very often neglected due to another hadeeth, because the majority of people are unable to reconcile in practice and application between them. This
hadeeth is his (saws) saying, "My Ummah will continue to be upon good for as long as they hasten to break the fast and delay the pre-dawn meal."

So here two matters were mentioned, and they are neglected by most of
the people, and they are: hastening to break the fast, and delaying the
pre-dawn meal (Suhoor).

As for neglect of the first matter, which is hastening to break the
Fast, then in the view of some people it contradicts another hadeeth,
which is his (saws) saying, "My Ummah will continue to be upon good for as long as they hasten to pray the Maghrib Prayer."

So here we have two commands, to hasten with two matters. So it appears to some people that we cannot hasten to perform both of them together.

But reconciling between the command to hasten with breaking the Fast and the command to hasten to pray the Maghrib Prayer is a very easy matter. So it is something that
our Prophet (saws) made clear to us by his action and practice. He
(saws) used to break the Fast with three dates. He would eat three
dates. Then he would pray the Maghrib Prayer, then he would eat again if
he found that he needed to eat the evening meal.

But today we fall into two offences:

(i) Firstly we delay the Adhaan from its legislated time. Then after this delay comes another delay, which is that we sit down for a meal - except for a few people who are
eager and pray the Maghrib Prayer in the mosque. But the majority of the
people wait until they hear the Adhaan, and then they sit down to eat as if they are having a dinner, or their evening meal, and not just breaking their fast.

So the Adhaan these days - in most of the lands of Islaam, is, unfortunately, I have to say, and not just in Jordan, and I have known this from investigation, in most
of the lands of Islaam - the Adhaan for Maghrib is given after
the time it becomes due. And the reason for this is that we have
abandoned adhering to and applying the Islamic rulings, and instead we
have come to depend upon astronomical calculations. We depend upon the

But these time-tables are based upon astronomical calculations which count the land as being a single flat plane. So they give a time for this flat plane, whereas the reality
is that the land, particularly in this land of ours varies, varying
between the depression of valleys and the elevation of mountains. So it
is not correct that a single time be given which covers the shore, the
planes and the mountains. No, each part of the land has its own time. So
therefore whoever is able in his place of residence, in his city or his
village, to see the sun set with his own eye, then whatever time it
sets at, that is the hastening that we have been commanded with in his
(saws) saying, which we just mentioned: 'My Ummah will continue to be upon good as long as they hasten to break the fast.' So the Prophet (saws) was careful to implement this Sunnah by teaching it, and by putting it into practice.

As for his teaching, then he (saws) said, in the hadeeth reported by al-Bukharee in his Saheeh (no. 1954), "If the night appears from this side," and he pointed towards the east, "and the day has departed from here," and he pointed towards the west, "and the sun has set, then the fasting person's fast is broken"

What does 'the fasting person's fast is broken' mean? It means he has entered under the ruling that he should break his fast. So then comes the previous ruling where the Messenger (saws)
encouraged hastening to break the Fast, and the Messenger (saws) used to
implement this, even when he was riding on a journey.

So it is reported in the Saheeh of al-Bukharee (no.1955) that the Prophet (saws) ordered one of his Companions to prepare the Iftaar for him. So he replied, 'O Messenger of
Allaah it is still daytime before us.' Meaning: the light of the sun,
so even though it had set, yet its light was still clear in the west. So
the Messenger (saws) did not respond to what he had said, rather he
re-emphasized the command to him to prepare the Iftaar. So the narrator
of the hadeeth who said, We could see daylight in front of us,¹ meaning:
the light of day, the light of the sun, When we broke our fast,¹ said,
"If one of us had climbed onto his camel he would have seen the sun."
The sun had set from here, and the Messenger (saws) ordered one of the
Companions to prepare the Iftaar - Why? To hasten upon good "My Ummah will continue upon good for as long as they hasten to break the Fast."

So what is important is that we notice that the Iftaar, which is legislated to be hastened must be done with a few dates. Then we must hasten to perform the Prayer. Then after
this the people can sit and eat as they need.

This is the first matter, which I wanted to remind you of, and it is
how to reconcile the two things that the Prophet (saws) commanded we
should hasten to perform. The first being the command to hasten the
breaking of the Fast, and the second being the command to hasten the
Maghrib Prayer. So the Iftaar should be done with some dates, as occurs
in the Sunnah, and if dates are not available, then with some gulps of
water. Then the Prayer should be prayed in congregation in the mosque.

The other matter which I want to remind you of is what occurs in the previous hadeeth, "And they delay the pre-dawn meal" meaning: what is required here is the opposite to the case of the Iftaar. So he (saws) commanded us to hasten to perform the Iftaar. But
as for the Suhoor, then it should be delayed. But what happens today is
totally contrary to this, since many people eat their Suhoor before the
appearance of Fajr by perhaps an hour. This is not befitting. This is
contrary to the Sunnah shown by the saying of the Prophet (saws) and by
his practice. So the Companions of the Prophet (saws) used to leave the
Suhoor so late, that one of them would almost hear the Adhaan and he
would still be eating because he had delayed the Suhoor.

Indeed there is an authentic hadeeth reported from the Prophet (saws) which shows the ease afforded by Islaam, to be counted as one of the principles of Islaam, which the
Muslims are proud of, especially with regard to the matter of Fasting,
since Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, concluded the aayahs concerning
Fasting with His Saying:

'Allaah desires ease for you, and He does not desire to make things difficult for you.

So from this ease is his (saws) saying, "If one of you hears the call to Prayer and the vessel is in the hand of one of you, then let him not put it down until he fulfils his need from

" If one of you hears the call to Prayer and the vessel" the vessel containing food, whether it be milk, some drink, water, anything which a person may take as Suhoor, and he hears the Adhaan, then he should not say, Now the food is forbidden due to the Adhaan
being heard. The person who has had enough, it is not allowed for him
to then have any more, whether it be a drink, or some fruit, when he has
had his fill of whatever he was eating.

But as for the one who hears the Adhaan and he has not yet taken what he needs from the food and the drink, then the Messenger (saws) made that lawful for him. So he clearly said,
in the clear and eloquent Arabic language, "If one of you hears
the call to Prayer, and the vessel is in his hand, then let him not put
it down until he fulfils his need from it."

And what is meant here by the call is the second call, the second Adhaan. It is not the first Adhaan, which they wrongly call the Adhaan of Imsaak (i.e. withholding). We must know that there is no basis for calling the first Adhaan the Adhaan for withholding (imsaak).

The second Adhaan is when we are to withhold, and this is clearly stated in the Quraan, since Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, says:

'And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn becomes clear to you from the black thread of the night.'

So eating becomes forbidden at the start of the time of the Fajr Prayer. There is no separation between these two things. There is no withholding from food and drink for a
quarter of an hour, or less than that, or more than that, before the
start of the time for the Fajr Prayer. Not at all.

Because the Prayer becomes due when the true dawn appears, and food becomes forbidden for the fasting person when the true dawn appears. So there is no separation between
these two matters at all.

So therefore there occurs in the hadeeth agreed upon by al-Bukharee and Muslim, from the hadeeth of ¹Abdullaah Ibn ¹Umar Ibn al-Khattaab (raa), that the Prophet (saws)
said, "Let not the Adhaan of Bilaal deceive you..." meaning, the first Adhaan, "...because
he gives the Adhaan in order to awaken the person who is sleeping, and
so that the person who wishes to eat the pre-dawn meal can do so. So eat
and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoon gives the Adhaan."

Ibn Umm Maktoon, whose name was 'Amr, was a blind man, and he was the one about whom the Saying of Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, came down:

'He frowned and turned away, that a blind man had come to him' to the end of the Ayaat.

So he used to give the second Adhaan, the Adhaan which means that eating becomes prohibited and that it is now time for the Fajr Prayer.

How did he used to give the Adhaan when he was blind? This is
a question, which naturally occurs to some people. 'Amr Ibn Umm Maktoom
used to climb on the roof of the mosque, but he could not see the dawn,
so he would wait until someone passing by saw the dawn. So when someone
saw that the dawn had appeared and spread across the horizon, they
would say to him, It is morning. It is morning. Then he would give the Adhaan.

So you will notice here that the Adhaan of 'Amr ibn Umm Maktoom was after the Fajr had appeared, and had been seen by the people whilst they were walking in the streets. So when it
was said to him, "It is morning. It is morning," he would give the Adhaan.

So therefore there is latitude in the affair, since the muadhdhin
would be delayed in giving the Adhaan until he heard the people telling
him, "It is morning, it is morning." And then Allaah¹s Messenger (saws)
said: "If one of you hears the call to Prayer and the vessel is
in his hand, then let him not put it down until he has fulfilled his
need from it."

So Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, spoke truly when He said at the end of those Aayahs related to Fasting:

'Allaah desires to make things easy for you, and He does not desire to make things difficult for you.'

and '...that you should complete the number of days, and that you should glorify Allaah by mentioning takbeer for His having guided you, and that you should be thankful. '

So therefore from the Fiqh that is to be criticized, and which runs contrary to this Sunnah, is that a person says, "If someone hears the Adhaan and has some food in his mouth, then he must spit it out." So this is over strictness, and (ghuluww)
exceeding the limits in the Religion, and the Lord of all of the
creation admonished us, and reminded us, in His Book and in the Sunnah
of His Prophet (saws) that we should not exceed the due limits in our
Religion. So He said, in the Noble Quraan:

'O People of the Book! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not say anything about Allaah except the truth.'

And our Messenger (saws) said to us, or he (saws) said, "Beware of (ghuluww) exceeding the limits in the Religion. Because those who came before you were destroyed by their exceeding the limits in their Religion."

So Allaah¹s Messenger (saws) has made it clear to us that there is latitude and a margin of ease in the matter of a person's taking suhoor, to the extent that he said: "If
one of you hears the call to Prayer whilst the vessel is in his hand,
then let him not put it down until he has completed his need from it."

So it is opposition to Allaah and to the Messenger that a person says that one who hears the Adhaan whilst he has food in his mouth must spit it out onto the ground. This is not from the Sunnah. Rather this is contrary to the Sunnah, and is
contrary to the clear command of the Messenger (saws).

And I have been asked many times, so I will not leave open the need for such a question, but rather I will precede you in (answering) it, by stating that this hadeeth is to
be found in some of the most famous books of the Sunnah. From them being
the Sunan of Aboo Daawood, and it is the third book from the well-known
six books. The first of which is Saheehul-Bukhaaree, the second being
Saheeh Muslim, and the third being the Sunan of Aboo Daawood.

This hadeeth is to be found in it, and it is likewise reported by Aboo 'Abdillaah al-Haakim in his Mustadrak, and it is likewise reported by the Imaam of the Sunnah, Imaam
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, rahimahullaah, in his tremendous book known as the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad.

So the hadeth is not a strange hadeeth, rather it is a well-known hadeeth, and was reported by the Imaams of the Sunnah in the early times, and with an authentic chain of

So here I say, to conclude this talk, since perhaps some of you have questions, which we will answer if Allaah wills, so I will conclude it with his (saws) saying "Allaah loves that His allowances be acted upon just as He loves that His prescribed duties be carried out," and in one narration, "Just as He hates that disobedience to Him be committed."

So there are two narrations, "Allaah loves that His allowances be acted upon just as He loves that His prescribed duties be carried out", and the second narration is, " as He hates that disobedience to Him be committed."

So therefore the Muslim should not practice false piety, and (as a result) refrain from obeying the Prophet (saws) in that which he encouraged us upon and clarified to us.

And what has been said is sufficient, and all praise is for Allaah, the Lord of all of the creation."